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Maize harvester rental

We love being able to support our customers with great quality produce; And our enthusiasm doesn’t stop there! We also offer use of our Maize harvester to fellow local farmers during the harvest period.

Why do this?

We recognise that during the harvest period, farms without machinery have no choice but to use labour intensive methods to collect their crop. These methods are slower, less efficient and require more effort. Green Valley offers that support and choice back to farmers alike. Choosing this service will save time, money and effort; all of which could be used elsewhere on their farm.

From our own experience, the harvester has significantly improved Green Valley’s operational efficiency during harvest and the same could be achieved for others.

Okay…I’m interested, now what?

If you believe you, a friend, relative or connection in Zimbabwe could benefit from this service, please email info@greenvalleyfarm.co.uk for more information.

Day’s start! – Our team harvesting at a local client’s farm site
Day’s end – Client’s maize fully packed

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